Spire.Xls for WPF

Spire.Xls for WPF
Brand: E-iceblue Co., Ltd.
Product Code: Xls.Wpf
Availability: In Stock
Price: Rp.0
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Spire.Xls for WPF


Komponen canggih yang memudahkan developer  untuk membuat, mengedit  file Excel.

Tanpa menggunakan Microsoft Automation membuat programming lebih mudah.

Support  :  Excel 97-2003, 2010.

Membutuhkan instalasi  :  .NET Framework  dan  Visual Studio.


Fitur :

- Set File properties

- Save to web response.

- Import / Export  :   Data Table/ database

- Formating : Text,  Number, Fonts, Alignment,  Cell Fill, Border

- Insert Contect :  Image, Hyperlink, textBox, Comment, Formula, 74 types of Chart,  Pivot Table.

- File Encryption,   Lock Worksheet.


Harga US$
Spire.XLS for WPF Developer Subscription             $   399
Spire.XLS for WPF Developer OEM Subscription    $ 1675
Spire.XLS for WPF Site Enterprise Subscription      $ 3070
Spire.XLS for WPF Site OEM Subscription              $ 5580


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