Spire.Pdf for SilverLight
Developer SilverLight dapat membaca, menulis, memanipulasi file PDF , tanpa membutuhkan Adobe Acrobat.
Support : standard PDF/ A-1b, PDF/X1a , encrypted Pdf.
Support : Merge Pdf file.
Support : Seting Pdf properties.
Fitur berlimpah :
- support Embedding font, True Type font, CJK font.
- Draw Shape
- Load image to Pdf : Mask image, Watermark image.
- Import data table + Format
- Auto Page Break for Large Table
- Drawing Form Field : button , text boxes, check boxes
- Drawing : Header & Footer
- Fill Form in current file
- Render large web file to Pdf with html web page pagination
Harga US$
Spire.PDF for Silverlight Developer Subscription $ 399
Spire.PDF for Silverlight Developer OEM Subscription $ 1675
Spire.PDF for Silverlight Site Enterprise Subscription $ 3070
Spire.PDF for Silverlight Site OEM Subscription $ 5580